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2018 France & Switzerland Friday 21-Sep-2018 / 15 Days
Paris, Strasbourg, Bern, Interlaken, Grindelwald, Lauterbrunnen, Zermatt, Lausanne, Lyon, Dijon, Paris
Arrival Change Nights Departure Cost Status
United States - Colorado
--- --- 0 Friday
Purchase Rail Pass - 6 Days
Pre-Trip Activity Notes / Checklist

5 days within 2 months+ 1 FREE extra day = 6 Total
Total price: USD $744
Pass price(s): USD $372

15% Discount travel together w/shipping
$645 ($322/person)

$53/day average

1. Paris-Strasbourg: $100/person

2. Strasbourg-Bern: $85

x. Bern-Interlaken: <buy $25>

x. Interlaken-Grindelwald: <buy $15>

3. Grindelwald-Visp: $105
3. Visp-Zermatt: $50

4.Zermatt-Visp: $50
4. Visp-Lausanne: $56

5. Lausanne-Geneva: $27
5. Geneva-Lyon: $???

x. Lyon-Dijon: $ <buy $25>

6. Dijon-Paris: $60

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