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2018 France & Switzerland Friday 21-Sep-2018 / 15 Days
Paris, Strasbourg, Bern, Interlaken, Grindelwald, Lauterbrunnen, Zermatt, Lausanne, Lyon, Dijon, Paris
Arrival Change Nights Departure Cost Status
--- 1 Thursday
Tourist Train 
Kleine Scheidegg-Top of the World
Tuesday 27-Mar-2018 [30 Min]
Pre-Trip Activity Notes / Checklist

Probably will not be doing this

Grindelwald to Kleine Scheidegg

From Grindelwald Grund you can catch the train from Kleine Scheidegg and change there for the highest railway in the world.

Every hour from morning until late afternoon, a Jungfraubahn train connects Kleine Scheidegg with Jungfraujoch - the col between the summits of the Mönch and the Jungfrau, known as the Top of Europe.

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